Monday, June 28, 2010

"Charity Never Faileth"

Women are amazing, beautiful, dynamic beings. They do the most spectacular things and so often without any recognition, thanks or praise. They are the collective hand that gently turns the world, one human being at a time. 

I am a member of the oldest and largest women's organization on the planet. It is an international organization that honors the roles of both men and women. Yesterday we received a new president of our local organization, a very heavy responsibility as she is responsible for over 100 women and their families. This is a woman who has the most delightful personality, who is funny, but kind, bold, and yet could never offend anyone. I am delighted to be under her leadership. The previous president was a saint who served faithfully for almost five years.

After a long day of meetings, C and I drove several miles away to visit a couple who has played a significant role in our lives. We enjoyed a meal fresh from their garden of leafy greens, carrots, peas and tiny new potatoes, turnips and cloved beets. After the delightful meal with their family, we enjoyed a slice of pineapple cake and the family left. The four of us filled the hours with a repartee of eternal things while heaven reached down and touched the earth for a moment.

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