Sunday, March 18, 2012

A Slice of My Heaven

 I have severely neglected this blog lately, so I'm making up for it with a reverse-chronology of photos and a few sparse words. I adore these sweet angels! I love how they want to be close, comfort each other when they are crying, talk to each other, and hold hands. I love their smiles, holding them close, hearing their cries, and watching them grow! Enjoy some of my favorite shots below:
 Cricket above, Peanut below.

 Cricket above, Peanut below.

 Peanut above andbelow.
Cricket above, Peanut below. 

 Baby blessings, where their dad blesses them andgives them names. We believe little children are perfect and innocent and that they don't begin to reach the age of accountability until they are age 8. In other words, little children can't sin, so they can't repent. Peanut, then Cricket.

 Pics of Cricket:

 Peanut pinching Cricket's cheek. This happens often. More Cricket below:

 Peanut above, Cricket below:

 Cricket trying to look at Daddy while eating.

 Cricket at her 2 month appt above, and getting Daddy loves after her shots below.

 Peanut above, Cricket below.

 Peanut above and below.

 Peanut and Cricket.

 Peanut above and below.

 Cricket above.
 Cricket above, Peanut below.

 Peanut punching Cricket.
 Peanut, Cricket

 Peanut above, Penny wants some of Cricket's milk below.
 Merry Christmas to us!

 Peanut above,
 Cricket L, Peanut R above and below.

Peanut above. Goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. Hi I’m Heather! Please email me when you get a chance! I have a question about your blog. HeatherVonsj(at)gmail(dot)com


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