Friday, January 8, 2010


I know I have mentioned that C is a Superhero. Maybe you didn't believe me. See, here is proof:
    • He brought me home chicken noodle soup when I couldn't eat anything

    • On the day I thought I was well enough to go in to work, he dropped me off, and then turned around two hours later and took me back home

    • When I stayed home, he checked in on me every few hours with a call or text
    • He was patient with me as I got up several times in the night and didn't complain that I kept waking him up

    • He rubbed my back on Weds because I wasn't well enough to go to Yoga.

    • While home sick this week, he surprised me with flowers and a nice card, just because, and told me I'd never let him down.

    • He helped with the dishes and didn't complain that I have hardly cooked anything for dinner all week.
Surely, now you believe me. What? You doubt still? Okay, then: He didn't say a word when I woke him at midnight to tell him I needed to go suprise a friend for her birthday!

Visions of police lights danced in my head as I drove through the neighborhood with my headlights dead; sneaked onto the porch where the candle won't light, thinking for sure the noise will cause a fright! Positioned the goodies, and ding-ding-ding thrice, then drove off in the night through the still and the ice. One last drive-by with my headlights blacked out, and the presents were gone, without any doubt. Then back to my sweetheart I drove through the night, Happy Birthday, dear friend, may you sleep better tonight.

This morning I received a text. In part it read:
Don'cha know I'm an OLD lady! You bout gave me heart failure!!!

Needless to say, I think she'll remember this birthday. Last night I couldn't sleep, so hid out in the spare bedroom to let C sleep while I looked through every photo of us stored on two of my external hard drives. I watched a video of us at Mesa Verda where we handed off the camera each other while climbing through this very narrow tunnel, and then a video where he pretended to drive his motorcycle in the kitchen while listening to some riding music I composed for him. I thought I'd share a photo of him popping a wheelie on a Ducati. He is fun and crazy, kind, and dependable, and doggonit! People like him! (SNL plug). Shhh. Don't tell, but it's true. I married a real, live superhero!

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