Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It was the messiest A+ I have ever graded

In my Psycho-Billie-Over-Achiever days when I was in college... Now, what do you mean WAS? Seriously, people, there was a time when I was MUCH worse. Those were the days when I stayed up until 3 AM and woke at 6 AM, and took insane numbers of college courses and then added more home study classes and religion classes and worked two jobs and had two church callings and volunteered for three or four different organizations all simultaneously... 

As I was saying, one of these organizations was a service center named after this famous humanitarian and philanthropist. We did the COOLEST things. We had refugees from the Middle east teach us about how they had been tortured in underground caves for decades. We held hunger banquets  where a sparse number of participants (2-3) ate luxurious meals at a table while everyone else sat on the floor eating rice, or if you were lucky, there were beans with your rice. We painted over graffiti, fed the homeless, mentored at-risk youth, held fundraisers for worthy causes, and we came together to make a difference, students leading out, putting aside our backgrounds, varying perspectives, and religious beliefs. 

Today I received a flyer announcing a benefit concert for this organization. The flyer gave everything you could possibly imagine EXCEPT how or where to purchase tickets. There was no phone number, no e-mail address, nothing. Some student probably put this together, and even managed to wrangle up a nationally known musician. It made me reflect on all of the great lessons I learned trying to pull off huge volunteer events, and how I continue to use some of those skills today. We were trusted with money, resources, and the good name of the organization as we stumbled around in the dark trying to find our way as leaders of a good cause.

I interviewed for another job today. It was such a great experience. I have decided that interviewing for jobs is a great way to get a grasp on all of the amazing things you have done with your life. You are putting your best foot forward, and the person across the table wants to know all about you! It's quite an exhilarating experience. "Come one, come all, talk about yourself while we listen and ask questions about you!" Can it get any better than that? Seriously, it's got to be like a free therapy session or something. I have never been in a therapy session, but I have seen them on TV, and I am pretty sure it's at least that satisfying.

You should know by now that I save the good stuff for the end, so here you go: 

I received the following message from my latest professor:

smile"It was the messiest A+ I have ever graded.  Just kidding. You did great. Thanks so much A! Good luck in future courses"

100% on my final exam. Woot-woot! Hey, I never said that I had good handwriting when I am taking tests. On normal days I get lovely compliments on my scrawls, but on test day, I could care less about being neat and tidy, as long as it's legible. No offense taken. 

And last, but not least, I did get a response from the TV production company after their meeting. Apparently I am still potentially in the running, and of all of the ideas presented, the ones involving me and my organization were front-running (did Mormonism come up? Not really sure...)!  Oh, so much else I want to say, but not today, not today... 

One last hurrah, I have been very negligent in welcoming my new follower! I love this most lovely of blogs, and don't worry, I haven't forgotten about your follower button, I am just a bit slow lately! Welcome to our world!

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